The World of Physics

Profile subjects:

Physics A

Mathematics A


In our modern world there is a progressively bigger focus on the climate, energy consumption and green transition. That is why there is a huge demand for people who understand the laws of physics as well as the relations between the technology surrounding us. These are the people who will be vital in the future development of new and improved technology that will benefit our society.

This study programme is for those who are interested in physical phenomena and mathematical connections, and who also want to study how subjects like nature, technology and the world are organized. It is also an ideal study programme for those who want to become engineers or study natural science.

During The World of Physics, the students will be challenged with education, assignments and projects that will train their ability to think both logically and also in abstract ways. The students will be given tasks that demand their creativity in order to reach solutions. Scientific theory and scientific methods are not just talked about; they are also put to the test in our physics laboratory.

Due to this, this study programme is primarily set in the physics laboratory.

This study programme is available at Øster Uttrup Vej.

Sign up on the following website:


Subjects and levels

Profile subjects

  • Physics A
  • Mathematics A

Mandatory subjects

  • Technology B

  • History of ideas B

  • Danish A

  • English B

  • Chemistry B

  • Informatics C

  • Social studies C

  • Biology C

  • A technical subject A - 
    The students can choose between:
    - Development and production (Electronics, Machine or Textile)
    - Building and energy (Architecture or Construction)
    - Process, food and health (Biotechnology, Gastroscience or Lifestyle and health)
    - Digital design and development


  • 1 lift and 2 C-level subjects

Suggested electives

  • Astronomy C + elective C + a lift in one subject 

  • Statics and strength of materials C + elective C + a lift in one subject

  • A lift could be in: technology A, English A, social studies B or chemistry A.

  • C-level subjects could be: innovation C, material technology C, psychology C, German C, philosophy C, media studies C, music C, sports C, programming C or business economics C.


The different subjects in the study line often shape the content of subjects to revolve around one or more aspects of physics. Here is an example of a mathematics project from the study line:

Project carbon 14

A typical project in mathematics could be age dating using the carbon 14 method. With the knowledge of radioactivity from physics, the radioactive decay can be modelled with a differential equation using mathematics.
This enables our students to calculate the age of an archeological discovery based on the remaining amount of carbon 14. The project takes place in the third year.


Camilla Kær Mørkholt Cand.polyt. Kemi, Matematik, Teknikfag (proces, levnedsmiddel og sundhed, bioteknologi)
Esben Dalsgaard Cand.mag. Dansk, Idéhistorie
Jens Villadsen Cand.polyt. ph.d. (bygning) Teknologi, Matematik, Fysik
Karin Lindgren Cand.polyt. (maskin) Teknologi, Matematik, Programmering
Michael Pilgaard Othello Cand.phil. Engelsk
René Brian Randrup Rasmussen Cand.scient. Programmering, Matematik